January Newsletter 2020
HGCAA Board of Directors2018 – 2019 |
Vice President
Van Mayorga 281-932-2270 President@HGCAA.org |
Brian Turner 832-247-4357 VicePres@HGCAA.org |
Mary Edmonson 713-799-3022 Secretary@HGCAA.org |
Penny Mayorga 979-478-6432 x103 Treasurer@HGCAA.org |
Amanda Jackson 713-861-9418 SGT@HGCAA.org |
Calvin Stewart 832-642-1965 PARL@HGCAA.org |
Membership Director
Jennifer Lambert 832-403-2370 Editor@HGCAA.org |
Dennis White 713-870-3702 Membership@HGCAA.org |
Education Director
Tina Turner 281-452-6323 Education@HGCAA.org |
Past President
John Helweg 713-467-6666 PastPres@HGCAA.org |
Houston Alarm Detail
Check with the City of Houston to make sure your company is listed on their alarm permit web site. They have a specific form you need to fill out and submit to them for inclusion. You also need to be sending municipalities notice of alarm system activation. Please make sure your customers are using the most current alarm permit form.
Harris County Alarm Detail
Please make sure your customers are using the most current alarm permit form.
Ft Bend County Alarm Detail
Be sure your customers are securing an alarm permit from Fort Bend County upon activation. Their alarm permit can be found here.
Montgomery County Alarm Detail
Check with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office to make sure your company is listed on their alarm permit web site. Please make sure your customers are using the most current alarm permit form. Alarm ordinance – Montgomery County are actively ticketing homeowners that don’t have alarm permits.